Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Coming Economic Evolution

It is my intention to use this blog to link you to some of my favorite sources of research on what I like to call, "The Coming Economic Evolution"

To read more about Woergl, check out this article in Whole Life Times (which was posted by the Unterguggenberger Institute that I was quoted in:

A few other articles about Woergl:

Please read:
Charles Eisenstein's 4 articles about money on

Then check out his blog:

Bernard Lietaer is one of my favorite thinkers in this field:

To understand where our money comes from and how it is made, look at Ellen Brown's book, "Web of Debt":

I recommend David Korten, who wrote, "Agenda for a New Economy":

Check out my friend Greg Wendt's blog:

Thomas Greco wrote, "The End of Money and The Future of Civilization" his website is here:


  1. Hi Hollis,

    i'm really glad to see you are pushing for economic transformation! there are pockets of transformation everywhere around the country (and world), which is really uplifting to know as we continue our local work.

    a couple points of feedback:
    1. can you make your links clickable? not sure how in the blogspot interface (probably a formatting button), but i think you can always use the

    <a href="">example title</a> html tag approach

    2. the information that you put on this one post is really overwhelming, i would suspect for most people who (like me) are new to alt currency, etc

    on that note, i would suggest two things:
    a. moving it to a static page, something like "resources" which is something of an annotated bibliography of more information
    b. breaking the post apart into several posts that each focus and comment on difference aspects of the resources mentioned in greater detail.

    i know you are just getting started, and i apologize if any of this is redundant or patronizing. i think it would immensely help make this topic more accessible.

    ok, regardless of all that quibbling, thank you again!!!

  2. Here is my site, , with lots of information on the first non-state controlled currency. Bitcoins!
